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Getting Kids to Exercise—–on the Computer?


      For many parents, limiting the amount of time kids spend on the computer can be challenging. Too much time spent on-line can cut into other important activities needed for their development, such as exercise.   Pediatricians have reported seeing more children with heart problems and diabetes, conditions usually developed in adults. This is mainly because kids have become more inactive and replaced traditional, active games like hide & seeks, tag, hop-scotch and rope jumping with computer activities that don’t provide exercise beneficial to youngsters’ health.    But there are many ways to use a computer to help kids adopt good fitness habits. Since they are on the computer anyway, why not insert a fitness DVD like Chair-A-Cise? It is an exercise program done from a chair and it gets kids moving. If desired, parents can work out with their kids. Using a computer with is a great way to know that kids are getting better use out of their computer and improving their health at the same time .                                    



DISCLAIMER: As with any exercise program including Chair-A-Cise it is highly recommended  you check with your doctor for recommendations before beginning.  Weight loss plans should only be implemented under the close supervision of a board certified medical professional.All material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Weight Loss results will vary depending on the user’s gender, weight, intensity and adherence to eating plan and exercise instructions.  

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